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330871 203 老马 发表于 2012-2-15 15:43:25 |
老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-4-2 09:01:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
8 B* }  U5 p; G1 `一、        中枢性依赖性镇咳药物* q. M) }4 J( i- Z# d9 `, l
可待因,阿片(含吗啡、可待因、罂粟碱和那可丁),适用于无痰干咳以及剧烈、频繁的咳嗽。6 b9 ^1 S9 m& y. l! R
二、        中枢性非依赖性镇咳药物
2 f# Y( V9 e& M0 o  S( h. K右美沙芬,苯佐那酯,适用于无痰干咳以及剧烈、频繁的咳嗽。喷托维林(咳必清),适用于无痰干咳。
: ~, @% _5 g# X% P三、        外周性镇咳药物" b2 u+ E/ y, ^/ _- h1 b5 L8 b6 k
0 `* b  ~; W4 R' L2 ]四、        祛痰药
+ D- z6 L: c- d+ R愈创甘油醚、桃金娘油(吉诺通)、溴己新、氨溴索(沫舒坦)、乙酰半胱氨酸(富露施)等。0 c& Z6 N5 b) }8 ~/ D( ]% B% U6 g+ R
五、        复方制剂* {/ e9 u( n+ c5 A
(1)氨酚伪麻美芬片II / 氨麻苯美片(白加黑):氨酚伪麻美芬片II(日用片):每片含对乙酰氨基酚325毫克;盐酸伪麻黄碱30毫克,氢溴酸右美沙芬15毫克。  v6 Z5 c. W4 h* N4 e
2 c" R( i- |( J' `( q7 Y白加黑(日片)有解热、镇痛、镇咳和收缩毛细血管作用,白加黑(夜片)同时还具有抗过敏、镇静作用。8 x9 T8 }' ?. P2 _7 l  m' y
# W4 f& P$ ^  Q5 m(3)复方甘草含片:含甘草浸膏粉、阿片等,适用于无痰干咳。
1 K6 ~* \9 x. W5 _' \: g4 s& w8 J(4)复方桔梗片:桔梗、阿片等,适用于无痰干咳以及剧烈、频繁的咳嗽。
. b" n+ r6 |6 N$ o6 X/ v        (5)佩夫人止咳露:可待因、愈创木酚、扑尔敏、麻黄碱等,适用于无痰干咳以及剧烈、频繁的咳嗽。' j) D- j  i1 B5 m7 K" r5 a
        (6)联邦止咳露:磷酸可待因、盐酸麻黄、氯化铵、扑尔敏等,适用于无痰干咳以及剧烈、频繁的咳嗽。/ U6 R* }9 `9 k* P: E% T
+ B/ }7 c9 i3 r, e8 C(8)洋参保肺丸(同仁堂):适用于阴虚肺热,咳嗽痰喘,胸闷气短等症。  m' i! h7 u. H7 f7 W/ c
(9)美敏伪麻溶液(惠菲宁,辉瑞):氢溴酸右美沙芬、马来酸氯苯那敏、盐酸伪麻黄碱等。缓解普通感冒、流行性感冒及过敏引起的咳嗽、咳痰、打喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞、咽痛等症状。: g7 e( X/ ]3 W; |: G. B5 w% m
六、        注意事项0 C9 [- O) y; v; F0 k
(1)白天咳嗽宜选用苯丙哌林,夜间咳嗽者宜选用右美沙芬。$ K, W4 _) `- \; I& L# n
(2)痰液较多的咳嗽应以祛痰为主,不宜单纯使用镇咳药,应与祛痰药合用,以利于痰液的排出和镇咳效果。. }$ H+ [% h4 x9 f) n0 B+ N$ @/ J3 W* p: y
(3)有些咳嗽是由支气管哮喘引起的,平喘治疗有效;有些是由食管反流引起的,应用胃动力药和制酸药有效;肿瘤引起的刺激性咳嗽,需要抗肿瘤治疗才有效果。2 G6 o- ~8 C1 E* s, K8 `; E' y
(4)使用中枢性镇咳药物需注意剂量,小心呼吸抑制。1 G4 b; }# C7 e( K. b! j5 D2 y

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重出江湖  小学一年级 发表于 2013-4-14 17:03:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河北保定

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rockwenfeng  小学一年级 发表于 2013-4-14 18:59:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京

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babyvot  高中三年级 发表于 2013-5-24 19:49:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏南京

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-6-5 08:30:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州

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WXMPQ  初中二年级 发表于 2013-6-5 14:39:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏无锡

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ly丫丫  初中一年级 发表于 2013-6-7 10:33:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西南昌

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笨猪  小学六年级 发表于 2013-6-29 17:03:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 福建福州

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亮亮1904  初中一年级 发表于 2013-6-29 18:21:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东广州

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老马  博士一年级 发表于 2013-8-6 15:36:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江温州
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003073.htm7 m4 n$ r. A8 \, m
Coughing up bloodEmail this page to a friendShare on facebookShare on twitterBookmark & SharePrinter-friendly version
+ ]& f- t: e& M5 b% }& hCoughing up blood is the spitting up of blood or bloody mucus from the lungs and throat (respiratory tract).- k& R: |. l8 D1 l( ?6 T3 m+ f

6 T# |0 R" ~! I& V( C6 rHemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood from the respiratory tract.' S) u3 V0 S9 y# Q& ?: h
9 f; s' p" c' e5 A: a
3 H- h/ v4 f4 b6 m5 L& r
$ s! k2 Q" B! G8 ICoughing up blood is not the same as bleeding from the mouth, throat, or gastrointestinal tract.
. k! O# y5 f, E+ ?
7 _' J8 S3 v6 w& |: sBlood that comes up with a cough often looks bubbly because it is mixed with air and mucus. It is usually bright red, although it may be rust-colored. Sometimes the mucus may only contain streaks of blood.
1 f* F: @1 i* P9 ]( O. P6 E: N$ {) m" F6 `; e2 B! x" l/ W
Causes5 q3 t& k% j3 s* N8 b+ V) q
$ Y' \: Q/ u: F0 K
A number of conditions, diseases, and medical tests may make you cough up blood, including:
9 e8 m7 z: e; v2 @- k1 i' W' i, h4 Y3 v  H* R3 r
Blood clot in the lung
8 u4 U1 |5 Q: R7 MBreathing blood into the lungs (pulmonary aspiration)
# u& s) G2 u' K1 DBronchoscopy with biopsy
. P% o3 x' G( n: {3 rBronchiectasis' P5 k$ W& u9 K9 L$ ^
Bronchitis$ l) C3 E+ O# @; j1 d
1 l  o' z+ A- N' q' z; d8 i6 WCystic fibrosis
2 T3 t7 ]# T0 w$ fInflammation of the blood vessels in the lung (vasculitis)5 u; F/ x7 r& V" ?- |3 M
Injury to the arteries of the lungs6 b2 w0 n* T- ~5 e7 D; K8 t
Irritation of the throat from violent coughing (small amounts of blood)8 F* z# k4 N+ t- x; e. [: P( b% e
Pneumonia or other lung infections
1 t- ?  J7 o' U/ _; x" bPulmonary edema6 f2 Q5 c, w% {, e, u
Systemic lupus erythematosus) y9 c% W! Y8 j! s$ u: m% i) J
' i  z6 `  W  WHome Care' `. q# M& |  h( h% u

! \5 n* m% k3 D) w4 VCough suppressants may help if this condition is due to throat irritation from violent coughing. However, cough suppressants may lead to airway blockages in some cases. Always check with your doctor before using them.3 E' Q9 a3 n9 x; |; l& n

- `$ u" T; Y; ?; S* C+ tIt is very important to note how long you cough up blood, and how much blood is mixed with the mucus. Contact your doctor any time you cough up blood, even if you do not have any other symptoms.
! V" W% I5 M; S6 v* u5 d! D* k; |8 ]3 w
When to Contact a Medical Professional
6 e( S. v, a/ R) B: Y: }
5 \# A& }8 X* r: |Get medical help right away if you cough up blood and have:6 ~9 t; M9 c7 G+ ?* {, G) L1 I

5 A' g. ]& q4 h( [( B. z! r- QA cough that produces more than a few teaspoons of blood
; f( u0 k: s# d- N3 hBlood in your urine or stools- G) N) R, E/ z* J
Chest pain
% l4 D; K- P+ O! n, j8 ^Dizziness- M  c4 v! v* z/ b. n) G; D8 Q7 |
% A  D, }$ }6 j3 ?# i2 P- ~  XLight-headedness* W. M2 F) P9 A: T( |
Severe shortness of breath
; G3 P8 o# C1 [1 O: [6 lWhat to Expect at Your Office Visit
% s/ `: W/ Q% A1 f  h& Y' c! A
* _% W5 J/ ~: p, uIn an emergency case, your doctor will give you treatments to control your condition. The doctor will then ask you questions about your cough, such as:. q- c+ X8 _9 r8 k0 {
; X) ^$ g  a' ~$ S6 f' N
% j* W. e6 f3 \4 |& EAre you coughing up large amounts of blood (massive hemoptysis)?& x. f* v0 I8 F2 a! x6 D- @3 u
Can you see blood when you cough up something?
% K, P' l5 S6 x& N1 HHow many times have you coughed up blood?  Q& g) `& p( r( L7 K1 \' ~4 l
Is there blood-streaked mucus (phlegm)?- _" T4 {% m( i" H- e, y. T$ w- w
Time pattern& l% k- B" g3 G! Z* D/ ?
Did it begin suddenly?4 W( A9 u' C8 |7 @4 W
Has it increased recently?3 K0 _5 L8 c8 f" m  Q2 D
For how many weeks has the cough lasted?; e2 h6 I. v  ?" U
Is the cough worse at night?
: r* Q) ^/ I$ U! k( |( n- FWhat other symptoms do you have?
* U6 P$ A! X$ H4 Q8 K" V$ PThe doctor will do a complete physical exam and check your chest and lungs. Tests that may be done include:$ k5 H; t& ?( R* f  x# }

6 \6 ^2 E) F( }( y0 Q8 UBronchoscopy, a test to view the airways
. @1 A" b( K9 U7 @! _, H# |% }Chest CT scan* @4 _( w3 v' U
Chest x-ray
5 U2 E' P8 x, P1 O9 U! TComplete blood count
0 A, ^1 B+ w9 S$ B" dLung biopsy
- P' C" j+ d: ?9 P- F; `# ]Lung scan: s+ H' x: I$ V5 k
Pulmonary arteriography2 ]5 o! ^  H. l  j2 M2 f' G
Sputum culture and smear
% S5 U0 _4 _2 @: s7 }Test to see if the blood clots normally, such as PT or PTT

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